Binge Eating Newcastle

Binge eating eating disorder is an area I’ve worked with for many years due to work within the NHS. It has various contributing factors. It is vitally important to speak with your healthcare team if you have recently had bariatric surgery and experiencing binge eating. Your GP can also support referral to a weight management team if this was deemed appropriate and usually includes a dietitian and psychologist.


Binge eating is something most of us do from time to time. Perhaps you have missed lunch, the next time you will eat you will consume more calories. Or perhaps you eat a box of chocolates during special occasions. This is natural. However binge eating disorder is different. Research in psychology has shown that individuals who engage in binge eating often use food as a coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, or depression. This behaviour can become a vicious cycle, as the temporary relief provided by food only serves to reinforce the binge eating behaviour in the long term. If you experience binge eating you may experience low self esteem and body image concerns, which can  further perpetuate the cycle of binge eating.


Environment factors such as childhood trauma, societal pressures to conform to certain body standards, and cultural attitudes towards food and eating can also play a significant role in the development of binge eating behaviours. It is important for psychologists and mental health professionals to take a comprehensive approach when working with individuals who struggle with binge eating, addressing both the underlying psychological issues as well as providing support and strategies for managing the binge eating behaviour.


In terms of treatment, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is recommended by NICE guidelines by addressing the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to the behaviour. In clinic my approach is integrative. Looking at the roots of the concern is highly important e.g. incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises can help individuals become more aware of their eating habits and develop a healthier relationship with food. It is important to look at sleep and we offer psychoeducational on the hormones of hunger and fullness. We take a trial and error approach to see what it helps and what doesn’t. Your lifestyle and roots of the binge eating disorder is explored. Ultimately, a multi-faceted and individualised approach to treatment is essential for addressing the psychological factors that contribute to binge eating behaviour.

Binge Eating Newcastle