Couple & Relationship Counselling in Newcastle


My passion for this form of therapy commenced over a decade ago. In 2024 I’m completing training in psychoanalysis couple therapy. Psychoanalysis is usually for individuals but I have seen great benefit of it for couples.

Relationships bring with it difficulties that are normal and part of life. There are times when these difficulties can be worked through and at other times couples find their previous ways of resolving conflict isn’t working as effectively and may turn to relationship counselling.

Relationship counselling can support you both to explore your relationship, making sense of both your feelings, to be really heard by each other and to gain an understanding of the difficulties you might be experiencing.

Couples therapy can help you to make sense of your difficulties and negotiate new ways of relating, strengthening your relationship and gain a better understanding of each other. It can also support both of you in deciding future options. I appreciate the uniqueness of each couple and therapy is tailored to the both of your presenting concerns and needs. I’ve worked with many couples who are both from different cultures and living in England.

Communication is vital for any relationship to survive and what was essentially paramount at the start of the relationship “getting to know each other” can be forgotten when things are busy. This can lead to feeling alone in relationship and / or arguments. Counselling can offer an effective way to enhance communication skills so you both can truly listen to each other to understand and explore your feelings and thoughts.

Significant life event such as physical, emotional and mental health concerns,  birth of first baby, redundancy, children leaving home (to name a few) can also have an impact on the relationship. Such changes and transitions may leave you feeling unsettled as the dynamics of your relationship might have changed. Other reasons couples may attend therapy might be frustration to past events such as infidelity, unhappy in their sexual life or intimacy, establishing a second marriage. Counselling can also support you if you are considering separation or divorce.

You don’t have to attend as a couple to avail of relationship therapy. You may have recently experienced an ending to a relationship and perhaps feeling confused, hurt & your esteem has got a little bit of a hit. Or perhaps you have ended a relationship and wondering if it was the right decision. People attend individual relationship therapy for a variety of reasons and may include, reflection on previous patterns of relationships, a sense of feeling alone without having a partner or wanting to date again but feels frightened to trust / scared to get hurt.

To book an appointment for relationship counselling in Newcastle call: 07871301079 or email: