Psychologist Newcastle

Psychologist Newcastle:  tips for setting goals


As the New Year of 2024 approaches us I extend peace and love to you and yours. Many are talking about the last year, reviewing all that has been and what is yet to come. Social media is covered in ‘new me’ and goals. Lets pause for a moment and consider New Year goals.


One perspective of New Year’s resolutions that challenges its effectiveness is the argument that setting resolutions based on a specific date can create unnecessary pressure and unrealistic expectations. Critics argue that the pressure to make resolutions on New Year’s can lead to setting vague or unattainable goals, which can ultimately lead to disappointment and failure.


Instead, in clinic we suggest individuals to focus on setting realistic and achievable goals throughout the year, based on their own personal circumstances and readiness for change. By doing so, individuals are more likely to experience long-term success and personal growth. Critics argue that resolutions often focus on external factors such as appearance, career success, or material possessions, rather than addressing deeper personal values and well-being. I  suggest instead of setting resolutions, individuals to focus on cultivating self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-care throughout the year. By prioritising these aspects, individuals can experience more meaningful and sustainable personal growth.

Psychologist Newcastle

New Year’s resolutions can perpetuate a cycle of guilt and self-criticism for some. When individuals set resolutions and fail to achieve them, they often experience feelings of guilt and self-blame, which can be detrimental to their overall well-being. Instead of setting resolutions, individuals can focus on adopting a more flexible and compassionate approach to personal growth. I advocate setting intentions rather than rigid goals, and embracing the idea that progress is not always linear. By doing so, individuals can cultivate a healthier and more positive mindset towards personal growth.

Psychologist Newcastle

One of the most common resolutions is to exercise more and get in shape. Many people see the start of a new year as an opportunity to improve their health and fitness. This can involve joining a gym, starting a new exercise routine, or simply committing to being more active on a daily basis. Another common resolution is to eat healthier. After indulging in holiday food, people often feel motivated to make healthier choices and improve their diet. This can mean incorporating more fruits and vegetables, cutting back on processed foods, or reducing sugar and calorie intake.



On one hand, setting resolutions at the start of a new year can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and direction. It gives them a clear goal to work towards and can serve as a powerful motivator. The act of making resolutions can also boost self-esteem as it demonstrates a commitment to personal growth and improvement. Achieving these goals can further enhance motivation and self-esteem, reinforcing a positive cycle of progress and accomplishment. However, it is important to acknowledge that New Year’s resolutions can also have negative effects on motivation and self-esteem. Many people set unrealistic or overly ambitious resolutions, which can lead to feelings of failure and disappointment if they are not achieved. This can result in a decrease in motivation and a blow to self-esteem. Additionally, the pressure to conform to societal expectations of making resolutions and achieving them within a specific timeframe can create unnecessary stress and anxiety. This can further hinder motivation and negatively impact self-esteem.

Psychologist Newcastle

To mitigate the potential negative impact of New Year’s resolutions on motivation and self-esteem, it is important to approach them with a realistic and balanced mindset. Setting achievable goals that are aligned with personal values and priorities can help maintain motivation and prevent feelings of failure. It is also crucial to remember that setbacks and temporary lapses in progress are natural and should not be seen as a reflection of one’s worth or abilities. Celebrating small victories along the way can boost self-esteem and provide the necessary motivation to continue working towards larger goals.

Psychologist Newcastle